The Cape Coral Caring Center relies heavily on volunteers. It allows us to help the people in our community more generously than if we had a large paid staff. We are always looking for people to help us help others. Most of our volunteers are here once a week. Some are here every other week.
Volunteer needs at the Cape Coral Caring Center
The volunteer positions are:
- Receptionist – greeting clients, giving clients instructions on filling out paperwork, very light typing and answering the phone.
- Intake – interviewing clients, making notes for their file, making decisions on how much food to give each client, and providing referrals.
- Pantry – weighing in food brought in from donations, putting food on the shelf, and packing bags that are to be given to clients. This position requires some lifting.

1420 SE 47th Street, Cape Coral Florida 33904 | 239.945.1927
1420 SE 47th Street, Cape Coral Florida 33904 | 239.945.1927
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